Fresh News from Friendly Street 10/25/23

Week of October 22nd, 2023
Please join us this Sunday, as Pastor Jenny shares a special message:"Give Thanks". Looking at Paul’s instructions to the Philippians on rejoicing and thanksgiving, this message reminds us that our perspective determines our joy level, and we can choose gratitude despite our circumstances.
This week, the big idea will be: Choosing an attitude of thanksgiving leads to peace and joy. Text: Philippians 2:14–18; 4:4–7.

        If you have any Prayer Requests, Praises, or Updates you'd like added to the newsletter, please email us at
so we can add them. Or you can call the church phone 541.345.6553 to contact staff.  
  Thank you!

Events Highlights

Small Group: Weekly on Wednesdays at 10 am: At the Church Library. They are currently doing a study of Psalms.
Trunk-or-Treat: Tuesday, October 31st @ Willamette Christian Center 5:30 - 7 p,m.
Church Breakfast: Canceled for November 4th, so people can attend the Camp White Branch Anniversary.
Camp White Branch 65th Anniversary: Nov 4, 11am-5pm @ Camp White Branch.
Corporate Communion: Sunday, November 5th
One Church One Day: Sunday, November 12th. Our day to pray for 24 hours. *Absentee Ballots will be available.
FREE Karl Vater Small Church Conference: Nov 17-18 @ Oak Park Church of God in Salem
Annual Business Meeting: Sunday, Nov 19th, immediately following the service.
Thanksgiving Meal Box Pick-up: Tuesday, Nov. 21st, 3 -6 p.m.
Thanksgiving Potluck: Thursday, Nov. 23rd in the Fellowship Hall. Details TBD.
Live Nativity Set Revamps: November, times and dates TBD
Hanging of the Greens: Tentatively, Dec 2nd
Giving Tree Tags: Available: Early December
Live Nativity: Sat & Sud, December 16th & 17th.
Christmas Eve Candles & Carols: Tentatively, Sun Dec 24th.

Thought of the Week

Today is my birthday. I wanted to keep it low-key this year. For a number of reasons, I was just not feeling the need for an elaborate celebration. But I woke up this morning feeling a little down about it. There’s a lot going on that just makes me sad. But I picked up a birthday coffee, and I went to a Bible study, and then out to lunch with my sister. And I felt a lot better about my life.
After lunch, I was invited to a friend’s house, where we had cake, carved pumpkins, and played games. My friend, who is not fond of cooking, made me a special cake. And it was delicious. We had fun and laughed together, and I had a good time, even though I lost all the games.
It’s easy, sometimes, to forget that God loves me and cares about everything in my life. But He does. It’s easy to feel insignificant, and that nothing I do matters. But it does.
I have dozens of online birthday greetings, and the joy of spending time with friends and family. I appreciate that so much. I don’t need a big blowout celebration, but I did need what I got today. Time spent with people I care about, and people who care about me.
Isaiah 54:10 says, “Though the mountains move and hills shake, my love will not be removed from you and my covenant of peace will not be shaken,” says your compassionate Lord.” (CSB)
It’s a good reminder that no matter what goes on in the world, or even inside my brain, God’s love and peace will still be there.


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