Fresh News from Friendly Street 11/5/23

Week of October 29th, 2023
Please join us this Sunday, as Pastor Jenny begins a new
Sermon Series: “Thanks + Giving”.
This three-week Thanksgiving series addresses how we can develop a heart of
gratitude to God, which in turn leads to generous giving.
Thankfulness is not an occasional act, but a lifestyle of intentional and spontaneous appreciation that leads us into the presence of God, empowers us to be grateful in all circumstances, and generates an overflow of generosity. Week 2 Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:16–18
Church Work Day This Saturday! We'll be doing some work on the Live Nativity Sets and clearing out the Storage Shed. We'd also like to do some sprucing up around the church in preparation for an upcoming Memorial Service
If you have any Prayer Requests, Praises, or Updates you'd like added to the newsletter, please email us at
so we can add them. Or you can call the church phone 541.345.6553 to contact staff.
Thank you!
Please join us this Sunday, as Pastor Jenny begins a new
Sermon Series: “Thanks + Giving”.
This three-week Thanksgiving series addresses how we can develop a heart of
gratitude to God, which in turn leads to generous giving.
Thankfulness is not an occasional act, but a lifestyle of intentional and spontaneous appreciation that leads us into the presence of God, empowers us to be grateful in all circumstances, and generates an overflow of generosity. Week 2 Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:16–18
Church Work Day This Saturday! We'll be doing some work on the Live Nativity Sets and clearing out the Storage Shed. We'd also like to do some sprucing up around the church in preparation for an upcoming Memorial Service
If you have any Prayer Requests, Praises, or Updates you'd like added to the newsletter, please email us at
so we can add them. Or you can call the church phone 541.345.6553 to contact staff.
Thank you!
Events Highlights
Small Group: Weekly on Wednesdays at 10 am: At the Church Library. They are currently doing a study of Psalms.
Set Rebuild: Saturday, Nov 11th. A work day to do some work on Live Nativity sets and do some cleaning up and work around the church.
One Church One Day: Sunday, November 12th. Our day to pray for 24 hours. *Absentee Ballots will be available.
FREE Karl Vater Small Church Conference: Nov 17-18 @ Oak Park Church of God in Salem
Annual Business Meeting: Sunday, Nov 19th, immediately following the service.
Thanksgiving Meal Box Pick-up: Tuesday, Nov. 21st, 3 -6 p.m.
Thanksgiving Potluck: Thursday, Nov. 23rd in the Fellowship Hall. Details TBD.
Live Nativity Set Revamps: November 11th. 9 am
Hanging of the Greens: Tentatively, Dec 2nd
Giving Tree Tags: Available: Early December
Live Nativity: Sat & Sun, December 16th & 17th.
Christmas Eve Candles & Carols: Tentatively, Sun Dec 24th.
Set Rebuild: Saturday, Nov 11th. A work day to do some work on Live Nativity sets and do some cleaning up and work around the church.
One Church One Day: Sunday, November 12th. Our day to pray for 24 hours. *Absentee Ballots will be available.
FREE Karl Vater Small Church Conference: Nov 17-18 @ Oak Park Church of God in Salem
Annual Business Meeting: Sunday, Nov 19th, immediately following the service.
Thanksgiving Meal Box Pick-up: Tuesday, Nov. 21st, 3 -6 p.m.
Thanksgiving Potluck: Thursday, Nov. 23rd in the Fellowship Hall. Details TBD.
Live Nativity Set Revamps: November 11th. 9 am
Hanging of the Greens: Tentatively, Dec 2nd
Giving Tree Tags: Available: Early December
Live Nativity: Sat & Sun, December 16th & 17th.
Christmas Eve Candles & Carols: Tentatively, Sun Dec 24th.

Thought of the Week
Today, I have a writing prompt about crossing a body of water. Which made me think about what it must have been like to be with the Israelites, escaping from Egypt.
The Bible talks about Moses’ perspective and a little about the Pharaoh's thoughts on the matter. But what would it have been like for the average Israelite?
Egypt was a pretty scary place to live in in those days, what with the plagues and the locusts and and all. Did they even know it was God sending the plagues? I suppose that would be a strong incentive for leaving Egypt. And so they packed up and headed out—in the middle of the night in case Pharaoh changed his mind, again.
And then they got to the Red Sea, they were being pursued by the Pharaoh's armies. The was this sea in front of them, and nobody had a boat.
They probably thought they were done for. But then God spoke to Moses, and then suddenly the waters parted. All they had to do was walk across. If I was there, I’d be looking around nervously and trying to get the person in front of me to hurry up!
Sometimes, God works in slow, subtle ways in our lives. That is mostly how it works for me. I go through a very difficult time, and I feel like I am barely making it. When I get through it, I look back and see how God was using that situation to help me grow.
I tend to over-think things and I stress out, and my mind makes a list of everything that could possibly go wrong. And then I panic and I get angry, and I start blaming everyone and myself. When I get all freaked out, I keep wanting to push and solve the problem. That’s when I have to make myself take a step back. I take a walk, or I wash some dishes. Sometimes, not often enough, I remember to pray. And that gives me time to calm down and approach the problem calmly. Usually, I can find a solution. Or I remember that I can ask for help. When I’m really on a roll, I ask God for help. Because God is powerful enough to do amazing things, if I let Him.
Like it says in Exodus 14:14, “You will not have to do anything but stay calm. The Lord will do the fighting for you.”
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